Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Cheap Hotels In San Francisco

Sandra asks…What r some good cheap hotels 2 live in, in south san francisco(EASY 10 POINTS!)?Hi,
Well I'm a tween but I'm helping my mom find some hotels 2 live in around south san francisco. I need like 4-5 star hotels, not motels. And something that's not 2 expensive, we don't hav the $$ 2 live in a hotel that's 30,00- 60,000 a month. Probably a hotel that's about $480-$600 a month if your going 2 live there. I really need some answers, I want 2 help my mom. VERY EASY 10 POINTS!!!!
Please I need some helpful answers. I'M
We're not that poor, we could rent an apartment

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