Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Cheap Honeymoon Packages

Richard asks…What are the best cruises with a wedding package?My boyfriend and I are considering doing a private wedding in Jamaica (or elsewhere) next spring. I want this to be beautiful and memorable, but it doesn't have to break our bank! Cheap but good cruiselines with a wedding (or honeymoon) packages please!

Thanks!Anne answers:They all do. I spent a lot of time researching this last year for my sister's wedding. Look at the cruises pages. Royal's is quite complex. The price changes based on which ship, which month, and which island.

Carnival and Holland both use this

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William asks…Do the wealthy and ulra rich just hoard their money or do they contribute to thousands of service businesses?OK we have many votes for charitable giving.. But what about thier contribution to the service industries that are such a big part of our economy now. Do you think they are a big contributor? Or are they hoarding their money and living in squalor like Ebenezer Scrooge?Anne answers:The 'rich' do not hoard their money (if they did they would not be 'rich' for very long).

What the rich do is invest their money.

Where do you think that 'venture capital' for new business

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Monday, July 30, 2012

Cheap Hotels In New York City

Sandy asks…Does anyone know of a good hostel or cheap hotel in New York City they could recommend?I'm heading to NYC this October with some mates and I'm looking for some personal recommendations for places people have stayed at.

I've looked on hostelbookers.com and there are some really nice ones there, but I've never been to the city before so I don't know where would be good to get one.

If anyone's got any ideas or pointers that would be brilliant.

Thanks for your help.Anne answers:You can't use "cheap" and "New York City" in the same sentence.Paul asks…Cheap hotels in New York City

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Robert asks…Can an HOA fine a homeowner because a neighbor has filed a complaint but there is no proof?My HOA has fined me $100 and now an additional $200 because a neighbor says that ash from my cigarette has gotten on her car. The complex is 4 levels, the bottom level being a parking garage where her car is.I live on the first level and there are two storys above me with balconies. It could have been them but the association is fining me and leaving the others alone. The complainer has no physical proof. All homeowners have denied her accusations, even me, but I am stuck with the fines.

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Sunday, July 29, 2012

Cheap Hotel Rooms

Helen asks…I need to find a good way to search for cheap but nice hotel rooms in Seattle Washington?I've been to many diffrent search sites but I get lost in all of themAnne answers:I agree -- a lot of the 'popular' sites like orbitz and expedia are so big and complicated now.

Try this: http://www.resideo.com/us/washington/seattle/

Click the "Check Availability" button, choose your dates, then submit the form. You can then immediately sort the results by 'price' -- that'll put the cheapest places first.

You can then read about each hotel, view pics & book right online (about 3

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Lizzie asks…Is Graviola Fruit (Soursop) is really good enough to kill Cancer cells especially or is it a Hoax ?I recieved a mail claiming that this fruit is having anticancer effects. But i could not find anything about this fruit in Wikipedia. Is this mail a Hoax ???. Need genuine answers.Anne answers:Most definitely a hoax.Maria asks…Why do people think the holocaust a hoax?Why do you people believe that the holocaust was a hoax? Why do they want to believe that it never happened. What would be the reasoning on faking the holocaust. Also I seen that Iran was holding a convention on

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Saturday, July 28, 2012


Sharon asks…what is the best method of convincing an adult with aspergers to lessen his hoarding?im just trying to get him to donate/recycle more books, has anyone had some success with the correct phrasing?Anne answers:You may find this helpful: http://cbtny.com/hoarding


If they person fells anxious about not being able to hoard then eventually the anxiety will decline and they will get used to ti.

Do not do this, i am just trying to explain the situation: if someone was locked in a prison cell with out any belongings the anxiety about

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Cheap Honeymoon Packages

Lizzie asks…where can I get cheap airline tickets and travel packages.I am planning my honeymoon, i am lookin into the caribean, jamaica, and australia. the airline tickets are expensive, please let me know how i can get a good deal.
ThanksAnne answers:Priceline and hotwire are great!Laura asks…How much $$ is normal to spend on a honeymoon?Our wedding is cheap (in wedding terms) I think around $5000 as we have kept it down to only immediate family as guests. For honeymoon I was thinking out budget will be $5000 but the travel agent has found the cheapest package for the honeymoon we

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Friday, July 27, 2012


Helen asks…So what will the McCain campaign do now?They are changing strategies again! Now Palin is onto abortion(no big surprise here...you knew the losing GOP would bring up this hoary argument)....Soooooooo........It has come to this...................People in America are losing their homes and jobs and health care and this idiotic woman is dragging out the tired old polarising issue of abortion! And Jesus wept.Anne answers:Here's an idea for all the hand-wringing GOP strategists in Washington wondering what it will take to win back disgusted economic and social conservatives: How

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Cheap Hotels In Chicago

Carol asks…Any cheap, decent hotels in the Chicago downtown area?I am using cash & I been wasting so much money on hotels downtown that come up to literally almost 300 bucks! Are there any cheap, decent hotels in the downtown Chicago area that are less? Remember, I don't have a credit card so I have to pay in cash :-(Anne answers:You should say what cheap means to you.

Since you can only pay in cash, you're at a disadvantage because you probably can't reserve a room then...

You can get a good prices on hotels with this:

This is a search engine

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Thursday, July 26, 2012


David asks…Does anyone know how to get on that show Hoarders?I know someone that really needs help like they do on that A&E show "Hoarders" but I can't seem to find any links on how to submit their case. I can't find any info on how to find an expert to help this family in Arkansas. If you know anything, please respond ASAP!Anne answers:Yes, all you have to do is go to this link:
It explains exactly how to get someone on the show and it has the application that you can get by clicking on to "application" at the bottom of the page.

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Cheap Hotels In Nyc

Donna asks…Cheap hotels in NYC with in-room jacuzzi? Or a large in-room tub for two people to relax in?Im looking for a nice hotel in the city to spend the night with my girlfriend but im kinda on a budget, hopefully something in the 150$ range. Iv been looking everywhere but i cant find anything cheap that has an in-room jacuzzi or a large bathtub where we can relax in. Does anyone have any recommendations or know of any places like this? thanks :P

Oh and dont respond with a hotel search website because thats totally useless to me, and i dont think anyone should vote for best answer for

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Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Richard asks…Is anyone else unable to watch the show Hoarders?I know I'm a neat freak, but 30 minutes of that is so upsetting. Do people enjoy that show? Why? Just the shock factor? Or is there more to it? I only saw five minutes of it and I was too busy dry heaving to really see if there was anymore to the show.Anne answers:Well, I think for some people it's a shock into the reality of just how nasty people can be if they let things go.

I admit I need to straighten up a little, but I don't have to make paths through my house to walk or have 17 dead cat skeletons buried somewhere.


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Nancy asks…Is it legal for a HOA board to spend reserve funds to improve a public park?In this case the HOA board wants to spend $million of reserve funds to improve public land - an existing public park.Anne answers:Depends on a lot of factors. What do the CCRs say? Where is the park. I know of a homeowners association that donated land their houses surrounded to the city so they wouldn't have to maintain the land. But access for the public was limited because the park was hidden.

If the park wasn't maintained because the city didn't have funds and it was in the middle of the community,

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Tuesday, July 24, 2012


Nancy asks…Did anyone get a hoax stating that Carmen Winstead will kill us all?I got a weird hoax that said that Carmen Winstead got pushed down a sewer and if you don't forward the email, then she will come to kill us all. This is not really a question, but I just wanted to warn everyone.Anne answers:You wanted to warn us about a hoax?David asks…Why do some people think michael jacksons death is a hoax?I don't think that Michael faked his death. I just think that people don't want to let the king of pop go. It's just like how they said Elvis presleys death was a hoax.Anne answers:They

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Monday, July 23, 2012

Cheap Hotels In Las Vegas

Michael asks…What is a good but cheap hotel in Las Vegas?My parents were planning to stay in Circus-Circus but I read the reviews here in YA! about Circus-Circus being dirty and bad. Is this true?Anne answers:The tropicanaLinda asks…Cheap hotels on the strip or nearby in Las vegas?I want to stay in las vegas on the strip this weekend. Which is the cheapest hotel available preferrably on the strip or near the strip.I want a hotel at less than 50 dollars per day.Anne answers:Go to this site and in the middle of the page you can put in the dates for Las Vegas Hotels. You can view the best

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Helen asks…What should I do about my mom who has a terrible hoarding problem?Our house is soo cluttered bc she won't throw anythign out and it's becoming a real problem for my Dad and I.
Both my dad and I have suggested that she see a therapist about it, but she just get's mad that we say such a thing and deny's having a problem.Anne answers:My grandpappa had this problem - so much so he had an entire room of old letters... I dont know what there is to do about it though if she wont admit she needs help. Try to get to the root of why she does it, jst be supportive.James asks…Is life crazy

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Sunday, July 22, 2012

Cheap Hotels In San Francisco

Charles asks…Hi ,Can anyone recommend a cheap smoking hotel in San Francisco.Thanks?I mean cheap hotels that you can smoke in the rooms , a lot of the hotels are coming up 100% non smoking ,ThanksAnne answers:San Francisco has a city ordance against smoking indoors so you may have a hard time finding a hotel that still allows smoking.

Try some of the smaller, non chain hotels out on Lombard. These are more traditional motor court type hotels and you can at least step outside your room for a smoke. Any cheap hotel downtown that will allow smoking may be a residency hotel and you may not

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Maria asks…Should there be a limit in the amount (say 1 billion) of money an individual is allowed to hoard?All other funds exceeding 1 billion must be spend before the fiscal year is over on investment, Jobs, and personal or business property.
And apolitical charities too.Anne answers:No, not as long as the money was legally obtained.Ken asks…What do you think of people who hoard stuff in their homes?Is that a mental illness, a form of stinginess or just plain misery guts?Anne answers:It really depends on what and how much they are hoarding.

My grandmothers, great-aunts and many

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Saturday, July 21, 2012

Cheap Hotels In New York City

George asks…Cheap hotels near WEBSTER HALL in New York City?Hi im going to a concert at Webster Hall in New York at the end of March and me and my fiance need somewhere nice but cheap and near Webster Hall to stay at.

If anyone knows anything around that area that would be great.Anne answers:There's nothing at all wrong with asking these kinds of questions on here. I noticed nobody answered your question yet.

Search engines and similar websites can get you a more accurate and faster answer. I used this hotel broker to book my current Las Vegas

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Paul asks…Can you believe the hypocrisy of Ken Livingstone ?He has just been talking on Newsnight. And he has been saying that what young men need is a a job and a wife and children to give then stability and hope. Can I believe what I am suddenly hearing from this hoary old socialist who for goodness knows how long supported individual fulfillment and the destruction of the family, coupled with the downgrading of the roles of fathers. All I can say is that disaffected youth must have really terrified the establishment to have some one like Livingstone making such contra PC statements. The

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Friday, July 20, 2012

Cheap Hotel Rooms

Robert asks…Cheap double hotel rooms in las vegas with a pool?Pool, and we need a joining room, or double room... Near downtown las vegas, we have a car. ThanksAnne answers:Near Downtown do not recommend any motels. Downtown most hotel casinos have limited double rooms like Plaza, Golden Nugget.Jenny asks…what are some cheap hotel rooms michigan?In Metro Detroit AreaAnne answers:Search at this site http://www.pricehotelcomparisons.comBetty asks…My boyfriend and I are looking for a cheap hotel room in New York, preferably in either Brooklyn or Manhattan.I know it's probably next to

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Cheap Hotels In Las Vegas

Donald asks…Anybody know any cheap hotels in Las Vegas???If you don't, then can you tell me some in the Excalibur Hotel (prefreablly less) range? Thank you.Anne answers:A couple of good sites to check for Las Vegas room prices

for Las Vegas Information, go to "VEGAS INFO" click on casinos for reviews...

I agree on the Orleans it's the best value in Las Vegas, and one of my favorite places to stay. Check it out at http://www.orleanscasino.com The Orleans will price match any online rate you find...


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Thursday, July 19, 2012

Cheap Hotels In Nyc

Richard asks…What are good cheap hotels in NYC for a young couple (both students)?We wanna go for new years eve and the new year celebrationAnne answers:You should defently think about subletting.
It's BY FAR the most cost effective option in NYC!

The best site for subletting is www.airbnb.com.

You can also try on craigslist but airbnb is much friendlier and secured!Lisa asks…Where can I find the cheapest hotels in NYC?I want to visit there for 2 or 3 days, but being a broke college kid, I barely have any money. Anyone know of a website that can tell me, or a specific place that's

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Cheap Honeymoon Packages

Maria asks…Any suggestions or tips for a cheap overseas honeymoon?We are looking at spending around $5k all up, and flights will be ex. Melbourne.

I figure for this price we will be looking at a package deal to either somewhere in Asia (prefer not Bali, been there done that) New Zealand or Pacific Islands. Has anyone experienced these places or something similar? any tips?

My partner and I have travelled together around Australia so much with work, we are really hanging out to go abroad, even if it is not far. We are happy to travel on the cheap, camp/ drive/ low budget accommodation, we

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Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Cheap Hotels In San Francisco

Sandra asks…What r some good cheap hotels 2 live in, in south san francisco(EASY 10 POINTS!)?Hi,
Well I'm a tween but I'm helping my mom find some hotels 2 live in around south san francisco. I need like 4-5 star hotels, not motels. And something that's not 2 expensive, we don't hav the $$ 2 live in a hotel that's 30,00- 60,000 a month. Probably a hotel that's about $480-$600 a month if your going 2 live there. I really need some answers, I want 2 help my mom. VERY EASY 10 POINTS!!!!
Please I need some helpful answers. I'M
We're not that poor, we could rent an apartment

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Cheap Hotels In Chicago

Chris asks…What are some cheap hotels in Chicago?I am planning on taking a trip to chicago in a few weeks to visit a friend of mine. i was wondering what are some cheap hotels in Chicago im thinking between 50-80 dollars a night. I am planning on staying for at least 2 days.

thank you :)Anne answers:At that price you will find nothing other than dumps in unsafe neighborhoods inside the city.

Depending upon where your friend lives, look for a nearby suburb and look for some of the low priced chains on the Internet (Motel 6, Days Inn, Red Roof, etc.) that might have a property in the area.

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Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Cheap Hotels In New York City

Maria asks…Cheap hotels in or around new york city?I'm looking to travel august 7 through the 9 2010 and am having quite a bit of difficulty finding a reasonable to me anyways hotel i would say around a 100/night. i'm not familiar with new york so i don't know where the seedy parts are and where the park ave parts are but i need a safe hotel and just a bed to sleep in i don't care about the cable or what not. It doesn't even have to be in new york city though it would be nice if it were. Thanks for the helpAnne answers:$100 a night in Manhattan is going to be tough. You can probably find a

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Cheap Hotel Rooms

Mandy asks…Why do hotel rooms cost different prices on different sites?I found alot of cheap hotel rooms but when i looked them up on different sites , it gave me different prices for the same type of room and the same dates? why is this ? is it possible to book tickets with a fake website?then be told that my reciept is invalid when arriving at the hotel? would be really greatful for any answers!Anne answers:Hotels "sell" some rooms to various online booking sites, and these sites are then able to sell the rooms to you at whatever cost they want.

So -- let's say Hotel X has 20 rooms

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Monday, July 16, 2012

Cheap Hotels In Chicago

Sharon asks…Good/ Cheap Hotels in Chicago?OK I know this is kind of a hard question to ask but I'm planning a trip to go see Wicked, and it's going to be in Chicago. But I'd like a hotel that would be a reasonable price, but still a nice hotel, and it would be for two people.I'm going to be seeing it at Ford Center Of Performing. So if it was some were not to far from there that would be good. So I hope some one out there can help me! lol, Oh yah, and if some one could also tell me ware in Chicago Ford Center Of Performing that would be great to! lolAnne answers:It's on Randolph Street in

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Cheap Hotels In Nyc

Paul asks…Any cheap hotels in NYC?Are there any $50-$150 hotels in Manhattan that are a generic brand like Best Western or something?Anne answers:DEFINITELY STAY IN HOTEL PENNSYLVANIA!. The hotel is located right across the street from Penn Station/ Madison Square Garden. It was built in 1919 by McKim, Mead & White, They also designed The NYC Municipal building, original Penn Station, which used to stand in what is now Madison Garden, and many other US national landmarks. The hotel's architecture is the gorgeous Neo-Renaissance style. The Hotel is very affordable. There are breathtaking

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Sunday, July 15, 2012

Cheap Hotels In Las Vegas

Sharon asks…Where to get online hotel coupons for Las Vegas Hotels?I'm going on a vacation to Las Vegas in the next week and need to plan now. I'm looking for some cheap hotels in and around the Las Vegas Strip or even some online hotel coupons? Where can I get the coupons or the best deals??
Thanks for your time.Anne answers:You are going to have such a good time! Have you looked into the Luxor Hotel? They have a special coupon that's floating around for stay 2 nights and only pay for 1. You end up paying for less than $60 a night. You can even use it to stay for more than 2 nights and get

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Cheap Honeymoon Packages

Chris asks…Cheap honeymoons....Where can I get the cheapest package deal?Anne answers:Hello,
Congradulations!! I can assist you with finding an inexpensive package deal.Paul asks…Where to go for honeymoon... cheap outside the US?My fiancé and I are getting married Aug. 1st. We've been looking at honeymoon spots for a very long time. We originally wanted to go to Scotland but couldn't afford it as I'm a college student and we're buying a house. I would like to get outside the country, I'm 20 he's 25. Neither of us are fluent in any other language all though we both know bits and pieces of

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Saturday, July 14, 2012

Cheap Hotels In San Francisco

Laura asks…What are the cheapest hotels in San Francisco?price range: from $30-$75Anne answers:I stumble upon this site when i was doing research for my sisters' trip to the US. They have lots of hotels for different types of budgets. Including yours. Try it you might find what you are looking for or even better.

Http://www.stayinroom.com/Sandy asks…Cheap hotel in San Francisco?I'm going to a the outside lands music festival this summer and it's located right at Golden Gate Park.
I was wondering if anyone knew a nice affordable place my buddies and I could crash at so we don't have to

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Cheap Hotels In Nyc

Sandy asks…What are some cheap hotels in new jersey while visiting NYC NY?I'm going to be visiting New york city, and I want to find a cheap hotel in new jersey about 30-40 minutes from NYC.

Anyone know of any?Anne answers:May I recommend the ones in Jersey City, NJ which is a good 10 to 20 minutes way from Lower Manhattan or Midtown on the PATH rail system. Depending on your budget, may I recommend the link below.

Good luck
Native New YorkerMark asks…cheap hotels in NYC?i'm looking for some hotels in a reasonable price (below $150/night) in NYC areas. i'd like it to be convenient such

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Friday, July 13, 2012

Cheap Honeymoon Packages

Mandy asks…Where can I go for a Cheap, Private, Tropical honeymoon?I would like a secluded place where we can preferably stay in a hut. Also I don't want a party place and it needs to be geared towards romance. Is there such thing as a place like this??? Please help.

It would be really cool if I could get an all inclusive package.Anne answers:You want to stay in a hut but yet you are asking for an all inclusive package?? See if what I have to say is of interest to you:

Check out Barbados,it is a beautiful island. Lots of lovely scenery and so much to do, morning noon and night. In

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Cheap Hotel Rooms

Lisa asks…There is a web Site where you can get a cheap Hotel rooms from Great Hotels if they're not fully booked?They only tell you the area where the Hotel is located, but Not it's nameAnne answers:There are quite a few sites that you can search that will likely show you great hotels at the best prices available. Check out the website BookMe and you will be able to compare prices on all the reputable travel sites in just a couple minutes. It's very convenient and will save you a bunch of time and money. Also, make sure you buy them online... Otherwise they charge much higher fees for

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Thursday, July 12, 2012

Cheap Hotels In Chicago

Betty asks…Good / Cheap hotels in Chicago that allow an 18 year old to check in?I'm looking for a relatively good hotel in the Chicago-land area. I need it to be alcohol less or just allow 18 year olds to check in. Not very many hotels just let 18 year olds check in anymore. I do have a major named credit card and it's not just "call and make a reservation and they shouldn't say anything" because they ask for ID when you go to check in. Don't tell me to stay at a hostel because those aren't clean and definitely aren't safe. Help please. :}Anne answers:There are some great options for cheap

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Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Cheap Hotels In New York City

Daniel asks…Cheap but respectable hotels IN New York City?I'm looking to find a place to stay for less than $175 per night. I want it to be as close to the city as possible, but I don't want it to be in a bad neighborhood. Any recommendations?Anne answers:Book a room at the Newark Penn Station Hilton and request the government rate. I think its about $123 a night. Its a 20 minute (and four dollar) train ride to NYC Penn Station right smack dab in the center of Manhattan. The Newark Penn Station Hilton is connected to the train station by a sky bridge. A quick walk from your hotel room

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Cheap Hotels In Las Vegas

George asks…Close, cheap hotels to Flamingo Las Vegas?My friend is getting married at the Flamingo Las Vegas in November. Her and her soon to be husband are staying there along with some other friends. The rates for that hotel were about 160 a night. I know that isn't much, but I see sooo many other Vegas hotels for like 70 dollars a night! We want to find a hotel really, really close to the Flamingo so we can still be part of the fun and action going on there, but save money on the hotel and spend it on other things. Quality isn't really a priority- my husband and I will rarely be in

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Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Cheap Honeymoon Packages

Ken asks…please tell me any good honeymoon package for thailand it should be cheap n bet?it should include hotel and travelling in thailand and food alsoAnne answers:Take flight seperate from a package!!!
Accomodation is far less expensive to arrange in Thailand once you arrive than to pre book.

For a very cilled place that has basic and more upmarket accomodation on a very quiet beautiful island check out
I went for 3 days and stayed 2 weeks.George asks…Cheap honeymoon destinations?We are getting married around the middle of march, where can I

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Monday, July 9, 2012

Cheap Hotel Rooms

Richard asks…What are some tips to get hotel rooms cheap?Anne answers:I went to priceline.com and booked a package deal with airfare, hotel and rental car for 5 nights for cheap! If you get the package deals it is always cheaper! And if you go more than one person, you save too.
GOOD LUCK!!Ken asks…cheap hotel rooms in hong kong?i am planning to go on a tour to hong kong for a week or so i need a cheap hotel room to stay a simple room with bed is enough no aircon is needed how can i find such hotels in hong kong i dont want to spend much money on hotels , cause for sleeping , bathing

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Cheap Hotels In New York City

Chris asks…What are the cheapest hotels near new york city?I want a hotel near the city since the ones directly in the city are extremely expensive but I would like to use public transportation to get into the city from the hotel. Any ideas?Anne answers:Please follow this link :

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Sunday, July 8, 2012

Cheap Hotels In Nyc

David asks…know any cheap hotels in NYC?planning to go to new york in the summer, only staying in the city for two days though..

anyone recommend anything good, nothing over 150 dollars really per night...

would love to go shopping etc...Anne answers:You can find just about every NYC hotel available online here: http://www.nycvacationstays.com/hotels.htm This includes Hotels.com, Priceline, etc..James asks…Are there any hostels/cheap hotels in NYC that take reservations on short notice?Anne answers:Well whether they take reservations on short notice depends on whether they are full or

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Cheap Hotels In Chicago

Jenny asks…Cheapest Chicago hotels not TOO far from Lollapalooza?I'm traveling from Florida to Chicago for Lollapalooza and am looking for a cheap hotel to stay at. I realize that Grant Park is a major area, so few hotels around there are going to be considered 'cheap.' Therefore, I'm okay with a hotel a little farther away and I'll just take a cab to the festival. I have been looking but am not too familiar with the area. Btw, when I say cheap I mean cheap. I really just need a place to sleep. Thanks guys! And if you have a link to the website where I can get the best deals and pay in

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Saturday, July 7, 2012

Cheap Hotels In Las Vegas

James asks…How much do cheap hotels cost in Las Vegas? Reply ASAP?A friend and I want to hit Vegas. never been, wanted to know what the rates are like in April. For like two beds. ThanksAnne answers:Well i am going in april from the 21st-25th which is a monday thru friday and it is $57/night at the sahara which is located on the strip and connected to the monorail. The prices change dramatically when it is a friday or saturday.Lisa asks…Does anyone have a list for cheapest hotels in las vegas?Going to Vegas, and im looking for the cheapest Hotels to compare prices =) Does anyone know of

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Cheap Hotels In San Francisco

Daniel asks…Do you know any decent and cheap hotels near Embarcadero Center in San Francisco?I am looking for a nice and decent hotel, I am on a budget, so I look for $90 or less a night. Safety is a must. Thanks!Anne answers:We booked the Club Quarters hotel through expedia and it was pretty cheap and I've read nothing but good reviews on multiple sites. It's mainly a business persons hotel- you buy a membership and then can stay at any of the "clubs"- but they do sell the extra rooms to hotel sites. It's a little more a night, but right accross the street from the Embarcadero

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Friday, July 6, 2012

Cheap Hotel Rooms

George asks…Where can I find some cheap oceanfront hotel rooms for under $90 a night?On the Atlantic coast.
Tell me something I don't already know.Anne answers:We stayed there over the July 4th weekend.
I am not sure how old this hotel is, but it definitely is not the most modern one.
They have parking in the back, but you need a pass to be displayed on the dashboard. They only give you one pass/room, so if anyone is meeting up with you there, it makes the parking situation a little tricky. There are some spots in front of the hotel, which are open to anybody, but they are pretty much taken

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Cheap Hotels In Las Vegas

Carol asks…Can you tell me cheap hotels in Las Vegas?Anne answers:Any hotel on Fremont Street

Cheap hotels on the strip:
Monte Carlo
LuxorMary asks…any cheap hotels in Las Vegas?I'm under 21 years old (if that helps)..and im looking for a cheap hotel room in vegasAnne answers:There are only a few hotels that will let you check in if you're 18, 19 or 20.

Luxor and the Hilton are two of them.

Luxor is pretty cheap compared to the other strip properties. If you don't care about being on the strip, there are a bunch of cheap motels on East

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Thursday, July 5, 2012

Cheap Honeymoon Packages

James asks…Nice and cheap honeymoon in December 2012.?We are looking for a cheap but fun honeymoon location. We would like it if its not in the USA. We really would like to go to France. We would like it to be 10-15 days. I found one for approximately $2700 for 2 weeks in France. That does not include food or anything to do just airfare and hotel. An all inclusive vacation would be great. Now I said we really want to go to France, but we don't have to Hawaii, Barbados, Aruba, or Mexico or anything like that would be great. We will be living around the Boston, Ma area at that time. We don't

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Cheap Hotels In Chicago

Carol asks…Are there any cheap hotels in Chicago and if so, what street?Anne answers:If you want to stay downtown, right now is the cheap season. Nice hotels in the Loop and River North will be hovering slightly above or below $200 a night...that goes for places like the Hotel Monaco and the Holiday Inn: Merchandise Mart.

Even if you stay near the airports, you should expect to pay about $200 as well. But check http://www.hotels.com/ because you can usually get a better rate through them...about $50 cheaper a night. I just checked and the cheap but still nice hotels were:

Congress -

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Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Cheap Hotels In Nyc

Robert asks…Does anybody know any cheap hotels/motels in NYC that don't require you to be 18 years or older to get a room?Me and my friend need a place to chill this weekend and we don't really want to spend alot of money for a night. So anyone have any places in mind that don't really have age restrictions?.Anne answers:DEFINITELY STAY IN HOTEL PENNSYLVANIA!. The hotel is located right across the street from Penn Station/ Madison Square Garden. It was built in 1919 by McKim, Mead & White, They also designed The NYC Municipal building, original Penn Station, which used to stand in what

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Cheap Hotels In New York City

Charles asks…What are some good cheap hotels in New York City?Anne answers:You can usually get a great deal in a nice 3 - 4 star hotel in Manhattan for $80 - $100 no problem by bidding through Priceline. I've done it a hundred times and have stayed in such hotels as the Waldorf for $100 and they gave me a free breakfast in the morning.

There are sites which show you how to use Priceline correctly and save money. Here is a link to one I have found.


Good luck!George asks…Cheap hotels in new York city?For the

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Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Cheap Hotels In Chicago

Ruth asks…What are some decent/cheap hotels in or near downtown chicago?What are the names of some good but not to expensive hotels in downtown chicago or close to it? What are some good places to check out in chicago such as museums, restaurants, clubs anything like that?Anne answers:Http://egov.cityofchicago.org/city/webportal/portalSubChannelAction.do?BV_SessionID=@@@@1978176966.1153239297@@@@&BV_EngineID=cccfaddifmeigjgcefecelldffhdfgn.0&channelId=-9004&topChannelName=Residents

that will give you info on all the attracts and popular things to do here

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Cheap Hotel Rooms

Mandy asks…Cheap hotel rooms in Hong Kong?Is there any web site, where I can find cheap hotel rooms in Hong Kong?Anne answers:The cheapest hotel is probably the Silvermine Bay Hotel located in the Lantau Island overlooking a beach, around US$50 per night, very quiet and peaceful but away from the hustling bustling downtown core. You'll have to take the 20-min ferry ride to get to Central, it's quite a nice ride if you're not in a rush. There may be buses going to Silvermine Bay from the Airport which is located in the other side of Lantau Island. Simply check the buses with the Airport

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Monday, July 2, 2012

Cheap Hotels In San Francisco

Laura asks…where can i get cheap and safe hotels in san francisco?i will be driving from south lake tahoeAnne answers:Ocean Park Motel http://www.oceanparkmotel.com/

This is our favorite motel in San Francisco. The owners are friendly and hospitable, the cost is highly competitive. The motel is very near the ocean and the zoo. We have strolled many nights without concerns for safety.Sandy asks…Cheap motels/ hotels in san francisco area???hoping for under and around 100 dollars near a muni bus stop or bart that is accesible as long as you can get into the city with muni or bartAnne

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Cheap Hotels In Nyc

Ruth asks…Cheap hotels in NYC with AAA discount?Do any hotels offer a good discount in NYC for AAA members?Anne answers:It is best to contact AAA for a list of approved hotels.

Additional: Here are just a few that you can try. Have fun.
* Best Western:- http://www.bestwestern.com/aaa
* Hampton:-
* Hilton:-
* Hyatt:-
* Marriott:-
* Starwoods:-

http://411newyork.org/guide/2007/08/10/reserving-hotels-in-new-york/James asks…what are cheap hotels in NYC?hi :) i am going to NYC soon like very soon and i was wondering what are some cheep

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Sunday, July 1, 2012

Cheap Hotels In New York City

Carol asks…Are there any cheap hotels in or near New York city?My friends and I are going to NYC for a few days and we're looking for the cheapest hotel we can find. It can be outside of the city, and we don't care if it has the worst ratings ever as long as its cheap.Anne answers:An option to consider is a hostel. But this hostel is amazing. $35/bed, and if there are 5-6 of you, you get your own room. Its right near central park, great location, also near times square (55th and 8th avenue I believe). The website: http://www.1291.com/

The place is nice too, has heating, window to the

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Cheap Hotels In Las Vegas

Laura asks…Cheap hotels in Las Vegas?We are off on a sports tour to Las Vegas and are looking for cheap accommodation. However we don't want a run down shack it has to have decent rooms and at leat a pool.

Any ideas on prices????Anne answers:For best prices try the locals casino/hotels like Orleans, Gold Coast, Terribles etc. ... Another to try is Hooters which is a few steps off the strip but you still get the strip experience without their high prices.Also the Sahara and Stratosphere, because of their location they offer lower prices.Helen asks…How can I find the best and cheapest

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