Thursday, May 31, 2012


Donna asks…How do you deal with an HOA that won't return your calls regarding fees?Ive been calling the main person for my HOA and leaving messages and I'm getting no reply. They sent us a letter stating we had a $200 fee which we were not responsible for since we were not residing at the location. My only option seems to be to report them to the BBB. Has anyone else had to deal with lazy HOA's like this? I really can't afford to pay for someone else's mistakes.Anne answers:Send a certified letter stating your response, keep a copy, and note in there all the times you called the number and

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Donna asks…Is it that corporations hoard such a huge amount of all monies that the world almost suffered an economic fall?They are so greedy, so unrepentant and so soulless. Also what is patriotic about them/ Nothing. They just take take take more of the pie and send jobs to India and China. They need a tea party trip to the wood shed. Agree?Anne answers:And just how are these corporations any different from people like you?

All you are is a mirror image of them. All you want is more money for less work and a 'larger piece of the pie' without bothering to earn it. And if you want to stop

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Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Sandra asks…Why do most women enjoy watching Hoarders?It seems to be universal, from all age groups. From young women to older cougar-types, why do women seem to dig this show so much?Anne answers:Because it makes us feel better about our own housekeeping skills. I've never seen that show (I don't have cable), but I used to watch one called "How Clean Is Your House?", and it was crazy. It always make me feel better about a few dirty dishes in the sink or a floor that needed vacuuming. Most of the places on that show were actual health hazards!Donald asks…What's a good anniversary present

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Richard asks…How hypocritical is it that the Catholic Church condemns hoarding wealth when It has done that for centuries??I find it almost comical that the Catholic Church condemns hoarding wealth when it has stashed billions away while the flock suffers around the world. When was the last time that Rome donated anything to the poor. Catholic Charities is from the congregations not the mother church. The recent move to close so many schools and churches also demonstrates the lack of concern for the followers by Rome. After 50 years as a Catholic I have given up on it. The failure of

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Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Charles asks…Do you think global warming is a genuine threat or a hoax?I've heard and seen a lot of evidence that global warming is not a hoax, and yet there is also a lot of evidence and argument against its authenticity. What do you think? Name sources if possible.Anne answers:FIRST OF ALL IT IS CLIMATE CHANGE NOT GLOBAL WARMING ....AND CLIMATE CHANGE IS MADE UP OF COOLING AND WARMING CYCLES... THE WARMING CYCLE WE ARE IN NOW IS VERY TRUE AND IT BEGAN AT THE END OF THE LAST ICE AGE ABOUT 10 T0 15,000 YEARS AGO ... AND IT WAS NOT CAUSED BY MAN ....SIMPLY THE NATURAL CYCLIC RHYTHM OF THE

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Ken asks…Is it legal for HOA to refuse fixing the boiler until the cost is fully funded?In my condo, our boiler is old and broken that needs to be replaced (told by technician). My HOA, however, is refusing to start replacing until the necessary cost is collected by every unit, as it's very costly and there's not enough in our reserve. We have NO hot water now for 2 days and are we just supposed to sit and wait? Is this legal? Any help would be appreciated!Anne answers:Legal yes. But it is irresponsible, dangerous and unhealthy.
Gather your fellow owners together and demand an

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Monday, May 28, 2012

Hoagy Carmichael

Mark asks…I'm having a 1920's flapper theme party and I need music!?I love throwing big parties and I'm having a Murder Mystery Party set in the 1920's on a Cruise Ship. I'm trying to find super fancy, jazzy music that's authentic to the era. I've done searches of the top songs but I feel like I'm getting stuck. So far I have Bessie Smith
Downhearted Blues

Hoagy Carmichael and His Pals
Star Dust

Fats Waller
Ain't Misbehavin'

Does anyone have any suggestions or websites I could go to?Anne answers:Look at
Dark Ossilaters
D-Black & S-Te-Fan
those are all from the

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Richard asks…what is a hoary bat?What exactly do they eat and how much?Anne answers:The Hoary Bat is a large, silvery bat found thoughout most of the dcontinental U.S. They feed almost exclusively on moths, but I don't know how much they eat.Helen asks…That hoary old chestnut - Would Batman or Superman win ?Don't wonder why, but Batman and Superman are now enemies. Who will win the battle ?Anne answers:Batman. He's done it in comics before. Knowing him, he's already got plans and strategies to defeat all of his known adversaries AND allies and probably carries the necessary materials

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Sunday, May 27, 2012


Thomas asks…How can I personally profit from the global warming hoax?I know it is a political hoax that is going to cost the American people billions.

I'm trying to think ahead, how can I make money off of it?Anne answers:You have to apply for a grant to study the effects of "global warming". That's the preferred way to make money from it. John Crawford, the founder of TWC said in 2008 that global warming is the biggest hoax in history. He personally interviewed several dozen "researchers" and 75% of them agreed with him that it was a hoax, however they said that they would never go

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Ken asks…what is hoary frost and what does it look like?perhaps there are different types of frostAnne answers:Hoary Frost or Hoar Frost is white.
On the other hand there is also Black Frost or Black Ice which looks wet and is lethel for walking, cycling, driving.William asks…what dose hoary mean?The hoary head is a crown of glory if it be found in the way of righteousness.(proverbs16:31).Anne answers:Here it is:

Actually Uncle Thesis' answer seems to be the closest.David asks…Are any of the following endangered? moose, arctic

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Saturday, May 26, 2012

Hoagy Carmichael

John asks…what to play for piano duet performance. must be easy.?Ok, today we are going to this small church for a murray party. murray is my dad's side's family. most of the people there will be my grandmothers age. I need a very basic, easy, piece that my sister and I (I have taken piano for two years, my sister ann knows the notes but has never taken piano before). the people there will all be family, however some I will not know well at all. Our grandmother has asked us to preform a duet. we already have one, heart and soul by hoagy carmichael. we could just do this, however it is quite

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Betty asks…Why do animal hoarders almost always hoard cats?I know that other animals get hoarded too but most of the time it's cats. I wonder why.Anne answers:I would guess it's because they're so easy to find. You can pick up unwanted strays off the street no problem and feel like you're saving their lives. Stray dogs aren't as common, at least not in my area. Also you can look in the paper and see free kittens most of the year. Free puppies/birds etc not as likely.David asks…Why does Hoarders go down hill when they make the people clean up their mess?I hate it when that woman shows

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Friday, May 25, 2012


Maria asks…If you were part of a crazy hoard of Vikings raping and pillaging neighboring villages?what kind of weapon would you want to be using?Anne answers:A wet noodle - I am a bad manWilliam asks…What is the problem and/or condition that a person has if they hoard everything?They go "ballistic" if anyone throws out Anything of theirs. Good stuff, junk stuff, it doesn't matter. Complete anger.Anne answers:This can also be a symptom with past abuse. Specifically the person may just be trying to keep people from invading their private space, like a bedroom.Ruth asks…Why do rich

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John asks…Can an HOA allow owners to have pets but not renters?My landlord would allow me to keep my dog but the HOA says no. Can they do this?Anne answers:Yes.Betty asks…How to find out if a property has mello roos or HOA?Does anybody know who to contact if there is any special assessment taxes like mello roos or fees from HOA on a property? I checked the Riverside tax collector site but that doesn't say much. The properties that I am interested in says unknown on the special assessment line and $0 on HOA but I want to make sure that the facts given by the agent are accurate. Anybody

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Thursday, May 24, 2012


Charles asks…I have a problem with hoarding; any tips on getting rid of the clutter in the room that I live in?The room is located in the upstairs portion of my parents' house right across from their attic. Any advice on getting rid of the clutter would be greatly appreciated.Anne answers:You will probably have trouble throwing certain things away, but you know you should. For that stuff, buy some identical boxes. Put the "should discard" items in the boxes. As you add things, keep a list of what is in each box. Attach the list to the outside of the box. Stack the boxes neatly or store them

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Hoagy Carmichael

Sharon asks…Did anyone famous, or semifamous, graduate from your high school or college?From my high school:
Scott Dreisdach - former quarterback for UMich
Tim Roemer - US Congressman
Mike Rosenthal - defensive tackle for Miami Dolphins and former Notre Dame player
Nick Catanzarite - US paralympian
Michael Alig - subject of Macauley Caulkin film Party Monster

From my university (Indiana University):
Meg Cabot - author of The Princess Diaries
Kevin Kline - Hollywood actor
Lee Majors - actor
Ernie Pyle - journalist
Tavis Smiley - host on NPR
Michael Uslan - producer of Batman films

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Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Donna asks…How can I keep my pet rat from hoarding food?I have three pet rats. One hoards all the food in the cage. We just got him 4 or 5 weeks ago. He's a good guy overall, and well socialized. Our other rats have stashed food in the past, but not like this guy. What can I do to minimize this behavior?Anne answers:Unless your hoarding rat is making it difficult for the other guys to get enough food, I wouldn't worry about it. Some rats enjoy doing this, but not all of them. Our girls usually stash their favorite things, but they know each others' hiding places so they "borrow" from each

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Carol asks…Can a manager of a Forida HOA solicite votes for who he wants to win the election?I live in a RV Resort that is governed by a HOA. The resort is 80% snowbirds and half of those people come from Canada as well as the park manager. We have an election coming up for president. The manager has been going to all the Canadians here and asking for their proxy vote to go towards one of the people running for the board.
Is this legal?Anne answers:Unless there are specific rules against it in your by-laws, it would be legal.Mandy asks…Dealing with an uncooperative HOA when trying to

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Tuesday, May 22, 2012


William asks…Do women covet and hoard shoes so much due the their oppression as housewives in the past?From what I've been told is that women were kept as prisoners in their houses barefoot and pregnant in the past, and I've heard that they were not allowed to wear shoes, so do you think that women now have many pairs of shoes and love them so much because of their harrowing ordeals as homemakers in the past?Anne answers:I'll have you know women always stand for what's right. And they often chose to go without NEW SHOES so they can buy food and clothing for their children!Paul asks…Our

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Maria asks…Where do you draw the line between animal lovers and hoarders?How many dogs and/or cats is too many? Yes, I realize there is a difference between someone having numerous pets in a small apartment vs. having a lot of animals in a large house with a big backyard for everyone to play in, but speaking just in terms of people who are getting animals purely as pets, how many is too many?

And why aren't there more laws in place nationwide to prevent animal hoarding?Anne answers:Hoarders collect animals, take them in, and don't see that they have too many animals. When it gets to the

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Monday, May 21, 2012


Jenny asks…What if Judaism Turned Out to Be a Hoax?Hypothetically speaking what would happen if the Torah turned out to be a forgery? What if it turned out it was a hoax?

Would Jews keep believing even if it turns out to be false?Anne answers:We've nothing to lose. Judaism is about community -- living together in peace with justice for all. Of course Christianity is another story altogether -- no eternal bliss nor eternal torment.
.Sandra asks…What do you think about the balloon boy hoax?Apparently the balloon boy's mom owned up to it being a hoax but the dad is still denying it they

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Sunday, May 20, 2012


Nancy asks…Hoary Allysum?This is another question of mine to raise awareness to a situation. We have a lot of Hoary Allysum here in my area and I have a very sensitive horse, allergic, to the seeds of the plant. So many around the area, even alot of the farmers who bale the hay, have not heard about it or know what it is.

So, here's my question to raise awareness. Do you know what it is or if you should be worrying about it in your area?

Not all horses are sensitive to it and typically won't eat the plant in the pastures (I suppose if they were hungry enough but). Once ingested by a

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Ken asks…What is the best response when someone you know sends you an Internet hoax?This may seem like a trivial problem, but I am tired after years of being sent stupid hoax emails and I am also tired of people's hostility when I tell them they passed on a hoax ( I provide proof) and/or ask them (nicely) not to send me such material again.

My cousin (whom I was close to my entire life) is no longer speaking to me because of this issue. I am really angry that whomever starts hoaxes or passes them on, not only frightens people for no reason, they can damage or destroy relationships, too.

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Saturday, May 19, 2012

Hoag Hospital

Susan asks…Dr. Carol Jackson, House Ear Newport Beach, patients flock to see and rave about, how do we find reviews?Dr. Jackson we know is Board certified, from the House Insititute, and is at top hospital Hoag. There's news articles by Corky Carroll for fixing his surfers ears, dizziness success and hearing aids, but how do we find out what other patients say about ear treatment there? We can't get up to Los Angeles for the House Clinic and need help but want to do our homework to spend our time and funds wisely.Anne

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Steven asks…What type of degree would you need to help hoarders?I already have a degree in sociology but I was wondering if I would need some type of clinical degree in psychology to deal with the obsessive compulsive side or if I would just need to become a Certified Professional Organizer. I have see both deal with the issue and was wondering if anyone knew or had suggestions.Anne answers:Did you watch that show on A&E last night?

Professional Organizer is not gonna be enough. These people need treatment with counseling and probably med management as well or the organizer will

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Friday, May 18, 2012


Chris asks…How can I help a family memeber with hoarding?I recently moved back home and I can not believe how much things have changed in the past 5 years. It is very clear that a member of my family has a hoarding problem and I would like to know how to help them deal with it.Anne answers:Buy them a label maker and some big bins so they can organize their hoard better.Steven asks…Should there be a law against hoarding food beyond a 2 week emergency supply?With food prices driven up in many places, should there be a law that prevents hoarders from hoarding more than an emergency supply

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Hoagy Carmichael

James asks…Who first recorded the song "The Nearness of You"?This song is recently sung by Norah Jones, and also Rod Stewart. I know it was composed by Hoagy Carmichael in 1938, and has been sung by many, such as Frank Sinatra, Ella Fitzgerald, and Glenn Miller. But I want to know who first recorded it and when.

Thanks.Anne answers:The song was featured in the (musical) movie Romance in the DarkNancy asks…Heart and Soul. Free sheet music?I'm trying to look for a free version of the original sheet music by Hoagy Carmichael and i can't seem to find it anywhere.Anne

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Thursday, May 17, 2012


Laura asks…Is it common for companies to have workers who hoard information & expertise to make themselves more valuable?Everywhere I've worked, there was at least one guy who hid all of his information and never shared it. It was like he tried to make himself more valuable by being the only one who knew how to do something and seemed to think that if he helped anyone else, his own value would plummet. What's going on with this?Anne answers:Welcome to life and the world of people.John asks…In the banking crisis should we hoard rare metals and antiques rather than cash?Given the

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Richard asks…Can a HOA cut off your cable and water if youre dues are in arrears?My HOA fees are in arrears and the board is threatening us that our cable and water will be discontinued. Can they do this without passing some kind of amendment to the Rules? Both are included in the HOA fees.Anne answers:Depends on A: The HOA governing documents & B: The laws of your jurisdiction. Most jurisdictions, for health & safety reasons, prohibit anyone (but the water department itself) from turning off the water.Betty asks…If the HOA does not have enough funds to maintain common areas

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Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Helen asks…hawaiin hoary bat food chain?could u guys please give me a link where i can find a food chain for the hawaiin hoary bat or could you tell me what it eats and who eats it? thanksAnne answers:The diet of Hawaiian hoary bat, Lasiurus cinereus semotus in the open habitat consists of moths and flies and little else. Although moths were also dominant in cluttered habitat, other orders were also represented,
notably Coleoptera, Homoptera, Hemiptera, and Isoptera.
Very often Hawaiian moths (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) and selective predation by the Hawaiian hoary bat is reported.


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Michael asks…What are my legal options for removing ferrel cats living in common area of HOA in front of my house?The HOA won't do anything. They claim the local animal control won't deal with cats. Any the HOA claims they wont pay for the service to come and spay/neuter the cats (you see, removing ferrel cats is pointless, since more cats will just take their place, the only way to get rid of them is to spay & neuter and return them so they don't reproduce). The cats are using my front yard as a litter box. I'm getting sick of them.Anne answers:Make sure the "claim" of the HOA is

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Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Michael asks…How beautiful can a person become when they hoard anger toward others?Anne answers:Anger, bitterness & unforgiveness bring torment, so it will show
in words & actions & on the face. Not pretty!

Matt 6:9-15 & 18:21-35Sharon asks…Why do anorexics hoard condiments like sugar and ketchup?Every time I watch a documentary on anorexia, there is always some point during a room search where the staff find sugar packets, ketchup packets, etc...Why is this so?Anne answers:Because they may want to taste flavor once in a while. So they may eat a little bit of ketchup,

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Hoag Hospital

William asks…Volunteer at hoag's hospital?How could I volunteer at hoag's hospital? Should i go to hospital and ask for the volunteer department and what should I expect? is being 21 year old too old to volunteer at hospital?Anne answers:You should not just show up at the hospital. You should check out the website and see if the volunteer application is available there. If it is not, call the hospital and ask for the volunteer department. Then, ask about the process of applying to volunteer. Http://

21 is definitely not too old to volunteer at a hosptial. At

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Monday, May 14, 2012


Ken asks…Gold hoarders: How do you plan to deal with another executive order 6102?Our dollar is tanking while gold is skyrocketing in price by the day. Most people are investing in gold as it is clear there is a financial meltdown that is looming. For those who are currently hoarding gold, how would you deal with another executive order 6102? Would you leave the country, sell your gold to the state, or protest it? I am kind of fearing if I do manage to convince my family to invest in gold, the government will just reenact once our economy is close to collapsing.Anne answers:First off, they

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Hoagy Carmichael

Mark asks…Who do you think was the most inspirational talent of these dead entertainers?Elvis Presley
John Lennon
Buddy Holly
Marc Bolan
Hoagy Carmichael
Frank Sinatra
Little RichardAnne answers:Probably Hoagy Carmichael. If I recall, he wrote a lot of wonderful songs.Carol asks…Is the song 'Heart and Soul' under copyright?Written by Hoagy Carmichael in the late 30s. Is this song under a copyright or is it free to use now?Anne answers:Copyrights last for 50 years. So it should be free to use. Mr. Carmichael could renew the copyright, but he is dead.Donna asks…Where can I find the sheet

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Sunday, May 13, 2012


Ken asks…Is Hoarding considered a disease of some kind?I watched the show Hoarding: Buried Alive last night and was completey and utterly disgusted. I really can't understand how anyone could live like that.Anne answers:Definition: Pathological or compulsive hoarding is a specific type of behavior characterized by:
•acquiring and failing to throw out a large number of items that would appear to have little or no value to others (e.g., papers, notes, flyers, newspapers, clothes)
•severe cluttering of the person’s home so that it is no longer able to function as a viable living

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Sharon asks…Do you suspect that the recent news about the uncontacted tribe a hoax?I have no opinion either way. I remember when I was a child some people called the Tasaday tribe were discovered in the Phillippines (early 70's). Now many people say that was a hoax. ??? Makes me wonder.Anne answers:I do believe this story. While some of those that answered are under the impression that this was a lost tribe or an undiscovered tribe this is not the case. This tribe has been known to the outside world for for quite some time.

What was remarkable about this event is that someone actually

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Saturday, May 12, 2012


Lisa asks…in young goodman brother what is meant by a hoary corpse?please help!!!!!Anne answers:"Young Goodman Brown" is the name of the story, not 'brother.'

The word "hoary" means '1. Gray or white as if with or with great age 2. Extremely old'... (my 'hoary' dictionary)
The word "corpse" means '1. A human or animal body whether living or dead 2. (a) a dead body esp. Of a human being, and (b) the remains of something discarded or defunct'
(same dictionary)
when you can, and be sure to scroll all the way down for all definitions and, perhaps,

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Hoagy Carmichael

Lisa asks…What musician first made the song "Skylark" popular?I think it was an instrumental, might have been in the big band era. The song was written by Hoagy Carmichael with lyrics by Johnny Mercer.Anne answers:I'm not sure who made it popular, besides Hoagy Carmichael. But the song was written in 1942.

From here:
One of his songs from 1942, the resplendent Skylark (with a fine Mercer lyric), like Stardust, seemed to have the improvisations built right into the melody; it became a standard among singers and jazz musicians. In

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Friday, May 11, 2012

Hoarding Buried Alive

Nancy asks…What do you think of people who hoard?I'm watching the television show Hoarding: Buried Alive on the TLC channel and I find the whole hoarding phenomenon quite interesting. I myself can't imagine living in the conditions that many of the individuals are living in, as I am not attached to material possessions. I think that for some people it is an illness and for others they are possibly too lazy to clean things up or just overwhelmed because they have accumulated so many things.
I wouldn't go so far as to call them trashy and weak, we all have weakness, whether it's visual,

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Laura asks…How come the 2012 hoax seems to be fading now?I got an answer to the question about the 2012 hoax being more commonly discussed in the United States than the rest of the world when i heard it is worldwide. Then I got this answer that right now, it's starting to fade, even though we're getting closer to the year 2012.Anne answers:The 2012 apocalypse is based off the Mayan calendar. Many of the predictions of the Mayan calendar have been proven wrong throughout the course of time.

Plus, i'm sure people are less willing to put all their faith in it after everyone looked like

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Thursday, May 10, 2012


Carol asks…Is there a way to keep my rats from hoarding their lab blocks?I leave my rats' food bowl full of lab blocks but just recently they've started hoarding all of them! This wouldn't be a problem but bow I have no idea whether they have food or not! they literally hide every last piece. Is there a way to stop the hoarding? If not, how often should I refill their food dish? They're two females, one sm/med hairless and one med fancy female. Their dish is one of those big crocks from the pet store.Anne answers:Do they hide each blocks in a different place? Mine stash all of them in one

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Laura asks…What is a reasonable funding percentage for an HOA reserve fund?I am considering buying a townhouse with very little reserves (~20% funded). In the California Bay Area, what is a considered "healthy" level of funding? What is the norm? My fear is that special assessments will be made to pay for upkeep of the community, on top of already high HOA dues.Anne answers:That percentage indicates a high likelihood of special assessments. Even if you aren't hit with a special assessment, there may be a push by the board to get the reserve funding to an acceptable level, which in turn

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Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Mandy asks…What is the job people get to council hoarders and help them through the process?And could you please tell me how to get it? And what i need to do it?Anne answers:Usually that would be Cognitive Behavioural Therapist. Could be a psychologist or someone who has just been trained in CBT. I suppose you could Google "careers in CBT" or something.William asks…This is for reformed hoarders and clutterers out there, how did you break your treasure hunting ways?I know everyone in my family is a pack rat. In fact, we seem to have a competition going of who can inherit the most.

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Mandy asks…what does hoary head mean in the bible?Anne answers:OldHelen asks…In "Young Goodman Brown," what is meant by "a hoary corpse"?A. A respected person
B. An extremely old dead body
C. A promiscuous person
D. A lonely manAnne answers:B. Although "hoary" usually means "ice-covered".Thomas asks…what are the hawaiian hoary bats adaptations?Anne answers:It adapted in what it eats. Before agriculture was introduced to Hawaii it only ate native insects. After farmers came there was an abundance of non-native insects and it adapted to eat those as well. This is the

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Tuesday, May 8, 2012


Mark asks…What would be your weapon of choice when facing a hoard of zombies?Any kind of weapon, even the stuff you see one sci-fi movies. (BFG, lightsaber,etc.) Real and/or nonexistent.

Real: MTAR21 Assault Rifle

Nonexistent: Green LightsaberAnne answers:Real: A tank
Fake: Red Double sided light saberJames asks…How would people practically get power back from those who hoard it?There's definitely unequal wealth distribution in this so-called democratic western world. Short of a revolution (which would never happen in the UK and would probably just leave us where we were before), what

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Hoag Hospital

Sandy asks…Anyone have an OB out of Hoag Presbyterian Hospital in OC?I was wondering if anyone had an OB that they liked who works out of Hoag? I am currently looking for a new one. Also I am curious if you delivered your baby there, could you tell me how your experience was?Anne answers:I would love to help you - however I wasn't able to make it to Hoag! I was supposed to deliver there - but ended up in Fountain Valley instead!

Just a word of advice, if you get stuck like me in the Fountain Valley area - and for some REASON can't make it to HOAG - go to Orange Coast Memorial on Talbert

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Monday, May 7, 2012


Lizzie asks…In "young goodman brown," what is meant by "a hoary corpse"?A. a respected person
B. an extremely old dead body
C. a promiscuous person
D. a lonley manAnne answers:"Hoar" comes from the Old English word ("har") for grey, and it has long been used figuratively to mean very old--maybe mouldy or grey-haired. Besides, only one of those choices includes a synonym for "corpse."Helen asks…What is the meaning of "hoary days"?Anne answers:Hoary means white or gray. Literally "hoary days" refers to the cold, raw, dank, dark days of winter. Figuratively, it may refer to hard times

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Hoag Hospital

Laura asks…Does anyone know the nurse patient ratio at hoag hospital, calfornia?Anne answers:There are a lot more patients than nurses. Nor sure about the numbers.John asks…Hoag Hospital, Newport Beach OB GYN recommendation?Anne answers:I heard its a great hospital. I have friends who gave birth there and all went well.Carol asks…i want to give birth at hoag hospital in newport do they accept cal-optima/medi-cal?i want to change my ob/gyn. this is my 1st pregnancy and im 6months.... im not comfortable with a male doctor... and i dont really know where to go and who to askAnne

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Sunday, May 6, 2012

Hoarding Buried Alive

Maria asks…Don't you hate it when channels steal each others ideas for shows?And then pass them off like its a new original series? An example is two new shows on the discovery channel one is called addiction which is an obvious rip off A&E's intervention. Another is called hoarding,buried alive which an obvious rip off of A&E's hoarders. then they hype them up like these are ground breaking. Is there any truly original idea's anymore?Anne answers:Like CSI?
CSI New York?
CSI Miami?

Ya its dumbDonna asks…Where do we draw the line between labeling someone a hoarder

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Betty asks…How many cats does it take to be hoarding?I really think we have too many. I don't want to give numbers.... we have a few that are outside cats and some that just stay in my sister's old bedroom and several that stay in the main part of our house. I just need to know how many is concidered hoarding. I don't want to be breaking any laws, I just wish my parents would see that they are in over their heads...
I really think we have too many. I don't want to give numbers.... we have a few that are outside cats and some that just stay in my sister's old bedroom and several that stay in

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Saturday, May 5, 2012


Michael asks…Can an HOA lien cause my home to foreclose in California?I am late 6 months in HOA dues, and the property management says that the board is going to proceed with placing a lien on my property which will make my home foreclose if I don't pay. Is this true? I have never been late on my 1st or 2nd mortgages. Can my home really foreclose because of the HOA dues?Anne answers:Yes, this is true.

HOA's start foreclosure all the time to get you to pay up.

You will choke when you get the legal fees,

BUt yes, they can have the house.Charles asks…Hoa dues? anyone have any idea how

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Hoagy Carmichael

George asks…Hoagy Carmichael..obscure song.."Sometimes There Just Ain't No Fish" Lyrics, anyone? Google can't find it!!Emily J: Way cool!Anne answers:(Ain't no fish, ain't no flounder, ain't no tuna, ain't no fish)

Holy mac-ker-al!
Some days there just ain't no fish (Ain't no perch)
Ain't no flounder, you flounder for fish (Ain't no fish)
And although at times you get a messful
Other days are less successful
Some days there just ain't no fish

(Ain't no fish, ain't no fish)
Some days will start mighty fine (With a splash)
With a nibble that tugs at your line (Mighty fine)
But you reel it

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Friday, May 4, 2012


David asks…What is the evidence that global warming is a hoax?Several of the regulars here and in the politics section claim that global warming is a hoax, but I have never seen any evidence for this claim. It would have to be a rather vast conspiracy involving thousands of people. I would think there would be some evidence.Anne answers:It's what republicans say to get rid of cap and trade (government creating incentives for companies to reduce emissions of pollutants). The funny thing is that cap and trade was first suggested during the Regan administration and later passed into effect

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Linda asks…Do the people on hoarders make you sick?Is it just me or are the people on hoarders on A&E the biggest a**holes on the planet? I can see that some of these people really need help but it seems like most of them are just lazy pigs. They make me sick.Anne answers:I watched the episode last night and was totally shocked. For a couple to loose their children because they like to keep crap. Come on people wake the hell up. Is that crap worth more than your children? That lady made me so angry keeping a cup she got from taco bell. Throw the cup in the trash. Sure these people

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Thursday, May 3, 2012


Jenny asks…What criteria are used to determined how much gold a country needs to start to hoard up a currency?What I mean is what criteria are used to determined how much gold a country needs in a heavily guarded Reserve in order to start printing money to put out in the streets?Anne answers:Countries should use gold to back their currency to fight inflation. A lot of countries don't use this method anymore! Http://
Some countries peg their currency to U.S dollars. That means their "gold in the vaults" is actually U.S dollars. They really would be

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Mark asks…What recourse do home owners have when the HOA wants to do something the owners do not approve of?Our HOA wants to cut down and remove trees in our neighborhood. The owners do not want this. What recourse do we have? This will affect the appeal (or lack of, now) of the neighborhood and future sales value.Anne answers:HOA's over-extend their reach all the time.

If you feel they are violating the WRITTEN by-laws...... CHALLENGE THEM in court.

HOAs are SUPPOSED to keep property values up.... What they turn in to are little "Kruchev's" running around intruding on people's

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Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Hoarding Buried Alive

Richard asks…Don't most people on "Extreme Couponing" belong on "Hoarding: Buried Alive"?i mean, for the one's who use their stockpile to help others, good for them. but for the rest who continuously buy hundreds of the same item... what exactly is the point? no one normal-sized family can possibly go through that many groceries that quickly.Anne answers:Hahahahah YES! :D so true. .Betty asks…Which show is better? Hoarders or Hoarding: Buried Alive?and which one came first so i don't support a knockoffAnne answers:Both basically the same thing, hoarders is the origional they just have

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Michael asks…Is it christian like for religious leaders to hoard money instead of helping the poor with it?Whether I help the poor or not is irrelevant, plus you don't know me so I might well do that. No avoiding the question.

Is it christian like for religious leaders to hoard money instead of helping the poor? Simple question, YES or NO.

GO!Anne answers:It would be nice if the pope realized that this little planet needs no more people, and that every child ought to be loved, wanted, and have parents ready and willing to step to the plate to parent.

For him, just pop out those babies,

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Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Carol asks…in "young goodman brown," what is meants by "a hoary corpse?A. a respected person extremely old dead body
C.a promiscuous person
D.a lonely manAnne answers:Young Goodman Brown - Nathaniel Hawthorne
(1804 - 1864) asks…How Do You Pronounce this bird? Hoary Redpoll?Anne answers:"whore" "eee" "red" "poll"
I beleive that's the best it could be explained :S
Is it a type of bird?Michael asks…In "young goodman brown"' what is meant by a "hoary corpse"?a. a respected person
b. an extremely old dead

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Daniel asks…How many dogs do you have to own before it becomes animal hoarding?A lady I know has TEN yorkies. They are really annoying, always stink, and she never has time for any of them. It's getting annoying.

I was wondering if Illinois had an animal hoarding law? I saw on animal cops, that a lady got in trouble for it.

I'm hoping I can help these dogs out, but I gotta know if it's worth it to call it in.Anne answers:The amount of pets you can legally keep varies by city. Check with your city's animal shelter or animal code enforcement department - sometimes the animal codes are

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