Sunday, July 31, 2011

Your Questions About Condo HOA Rules

George asks…

HOA rules Nightmare?
My unit is on the first floor above garage spaces. The previous owner installed wood laminate floors in the condo. The HOA president lives right above me. She complains (about old owner) that she couldn't sleep because of the noise the floors caused. She points to the HOA rules stating, "Hardwood or tile floors cannot be installed unless units are on ground level. In all other units the flooring type must have Board approval." The expense is too great to have the place carpeted. My floors are not tile or hard wood, would this fly? Is my

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Your Questions About Condo HOA Problems

Laura asks…

Help! HOA wants to make me pay big time!
So I recently moved into a condo complex which i'm renting from a close friend and unbeknownst to me, they have a no dog rule! So I get rid of my dog after 2 weeks of having her and loving her and paying 1g for her. Now the HOA wants to make me pay all these fines for letting her urinate on the grass, having her in my house and not paying a monthly maintenance fee! I was never told any of this! But my landlord is also close to me and I cannot turn him in. There has also been rumor of drug dealers in the condo complex and

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Saturday, July 30, 2011

Your Questions About Condo HOA Management

Maria asks…

My Condo flooded with sewage from my sinks, a first floor condo. Is my condo HOA responsible, or me?
Everything is ruined, countertops, cabinets, flooring, baseboards, drywall. The sewage kept coming from my sinks for hours. Several plumbers were unable to fix the problem and all agreed it was nothing I could have done or did do, that is was a "pipe maintenance issue". Does my HOA or Condo Building have to pay for the damages and repairs, or do I? Even the condo management agreed it was not "my fault", but they told me it was up to me and my Homeowner's Insurance

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Your Questions About Condo HOA Fees

Steven asks…

How do I find property with no HOA or CONDO fees?
I'trying to find a mobile home or condo in Florida that does not have any HOA or CONDO fees.

Anne answers:
Every condo or mobile home will have additional monthly fees. Because you do not individually own the land and exterior of structures, there is collective moneys that go toward funds to maintain those.
As far as mobile homes, you will find areas that you can purchase the units themselves, but the lots you will have to rent. So there will be monthly fees associated with every type of property.

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Your Questions About Condo HOA Law

James asks…

IL condo law 101, my HOA is out of control where can I find out about condo law to protect my rights?
My HOA decided to paint our building pink and did not even consider asking the owners if this was an acceptable color or a resonable amount of money to spend they said they had the right to do what ever they wanted because they were elected to do so. What are my rights as a owner?

Anne answers:
Your rights are described in your condominium association agreement and bylaws. They are presumptively valid and enforceable unless a court of competent

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Your Questions About Condo HOA Law

James asks…

IL condo law 101, my HOA is out of control where can I find out about condo law to protect my rights?
My HOA decided to paint our building pink and did not even consider asking the owners if this was an acceptable color or a resonable amount of money to spend they said they had the right to do what ever they wanted because they were elected to do so. What are my rights as a owner?

Anne answers:
Your rights are described in your condominium association agreement and bylaws. They are presumptively valid and enforceable unless a court of competent

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Your Questions About Condo HOA Management

Maria asks…

My Condo flooded with sewage from my sinks, a first floor condo. Is my condo HOA responsible, or me?
Everything is ruined, countertops, cabinets, flooring, baseboards, drywall. The sewage kept coming from my sinks for hours. Several plumbers were unable to fix the problem and all agreed it was nothing I could have done or did do, that is was a "pipe maintenance issue". Does my HOA or Condo Building have to pay for the damages and repairs, or do I? Even the condo management agreed it was not "my fault", but they told me it was up to me and my Homeowner's Insurance

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Your Questions About Condo HOA Management

Maria asks…

My Condo flooded with sewage from my sinks, a first floor condo. Is my condo HOA responsible, or me?
Everything is ruined, countertops, cabinets, flooring, baseboards, drywall. The sewage kept coming from my sinks for hours. Several plumbers were unable to fix the problem and all agreed it was nothing I could have done or did do, that is was a "pipe maintenance issue". Does my HOA or Condo Building have to pay for the damages and repairs, or do I? Even the condo management agreed it was not "my fault", but they told me it was up to me and my Homeowner's Insurance

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