Sunday, August 21, 2011

Condo HOA Fees California | Can the HOA president do that?

William asks…

Can the HOA president do that?
What do you think about the President of the HOA Board pooling funds with his adult children to buy one of the condos here that was foreclosed in by the HOA Board for non-payment of HOA fees? It seems the HOA attorney worked quickly to seal the deal, and they got the unit for tens of thousands below market value. Legal, unethical, illegal or just one of the HOA "perks". In California - and you know what housing costs are like here! Let's say he got the condo in 2006 for a 1996 price.

Anne answers:
Unethical but

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Saturday, August 20, 2011

HOA Condominium | HOA under litigation and I can't get a loan. Who's responsible for expenses?

Lizzie asks…

HOA under litigation and I can't get a loan. Who's responsible for expenses?
My lender cannot approve my loan because the condominium HOA is under a litigation (on a different unit in the same complex). We are in escrow and paid for inspection and never knew about this litigation until the escrow documents came out including the HOA reports.

Who is responsible for the expenses?

Anne answers:
You may try and sue the HOA for any and all expenses you incurred. I really don't know how you would come out in a legal law suit against them.

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Friday, August 19, 2011

Who does the HOA lawyer represent?

John asks…

Who does the HOA lawyer represent?
I am an owner and a resident of a condominium complex. During one of our HOA meeting, things got heated and there were flames being thrown around from both side of the aisle. That evening, we sent our Board president a nasty letter telling her to cool it. Names were called but we did not make any threats. The following month (about 4 weeks after the incident), I received a letter from our HOA lawyer threatening me with a restraining order. The HOA lawyer and the president of the Board is really tight. They're buddy buddies.

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Florida HOA Lien Law

Sandra asks…

Florida HOA Lien Law
In 2008, I received a claim of lien from a lawyer because of non-payment of HOA fees for my condo. I was not able to pay since 2007 because I lost my job and I was losing my condo. This year I started to work to get back the house with the new modification law. In april, I received the claim of lien again but dated 4/15/10 with the new HOA dues. The letter says that if I do not pay, the lawyer will put my house in foreclosure. I want to make a payment plan but my question is if I have any right or any trick to try to pay less? Because

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Thursday, August 18, 2011

Homeowners Association Resource Kit

Homeowners Association Resource Kit

HOA Handbook - Practical, Down-to-Earth Guidance for HOA Officers & Association Managers
Guide to HOA Management Using QuickBooks®
Example QuickBooks Reports, Exported Microsoft Excel® Worksheets & Microsoft Word Templates
Installation CD with Menu Viewer to View Files & Templates
USPS PRIORITY MAIL SHIPPING ON ALL ORDERS! - Just select standard shipping.

Need help managing your Homeowners Association?
Would you like your HOA to be professionally operated without the high cost?

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Do we have the right to refuse to pay the maintenance charge?

Richard asks…

Condominium: Do we have the right to refuse to pay the maintenance charge?
My developer is responsible for all building damage under the one year warranty he stated in condo book. The heating unit is broken down in our unit and he is ignoring our request to fix it. Since he is the sponsor and still have the HOA we donot haveboard members to represent us and has handed over our escrow account . Can we just take money we normally pay for the management to pay for the heating repair?

Anne answers:
No you don't, sorry.


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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Condo HOA's Tax Return

Steven asks…

Does a condo association have to file a tax return?
I live in a 6 unit condo block. We are self-managing and we charge a HOA fee. Do we have to do a tax return for the Condo Assoc income?
If so, what is deductible?

Anne answers:
You should file form 1120-H, which can be found at
The instructions should tell you all you need to know.

If the only income the association receives is the HOA fee, then it should not owe any tax, but you must still file the form.

Mary asks…

What is

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HOA Condo Fee | Arizona

Mark asks…

HOA Fee or Association fee for the Condo?
I have recently under contract to purchase a condominium. when I asked my agent how much the HOA fees are, they weren't sure the exact price of the association fee, is this normal for the agent or realtor?

Anne answers:
He or she should have been able to find out in just a few minutes. You are under contract so what if the dues come back at 200-400 dollars per month, very common in my area.

Jenny asks…

Can you be made to pay a HOA fee if there is no association?
I live in an apt

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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Condo HOA Issues | HOA Charges and Illegal Renting

Robert asks…

Would buying a mobile home be any worse than buying a condo?
If I was only going to be living in it for a couple of years, why would a condo be that much better? will it really appreciate that much faster? I live in the bay area and am considering buying in the Rohnert Park area

The way I figure it, I will end up having to pay more in interest over the two or three years, more so than any appreciation that would accumulate. The mobile home wont grow in value at all but you can afford much more square footage and you dont have any neighbors who share walls.

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HOA For Condo | Land Ownership

Charles asks…

Who owns the land underneath a Detached condo ? HOA ? And what is the worst that could happen to Condo owners?
I am planning to buy a 1800 sq.ft Detached condo (4500 lot) but some appraiser forums & reports have me really scared that I do not own the land below it nor the walls, only the interior. And hence the appraisal value is a lot less compared to SFR of similar specs ?

So what happens if the house gets blown away or gets burned down. I believe the insurance will pay for the re-built ? right !?

Anne answers:
This is normal for condo's,

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Sunday, August 14, 2011

HOA Condo Fee

Mark asks…

I own a condo and had it rented. Do I still have to pay the HOA fee? Even after HOA wants a deposit and trans fee?

Anne answers:
Usually yes, unless you put it in the lease. But, doing that would be stupid of you, as you are the one they will foreclose on, not your renter.

John asks…

How do I get a copy of HOA documents before I decide whether to buy into a condo complex?
I left a message asking for information such as HOA fees, assessments, etc and they have not responded.

Anne answers:
The Realtor should be

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Friday, August 12, 2011

Hoa Condo Fee

Mark asks…

HOA Fee or Association fee for the Condo?
I have recently under contract to purchase a condominium. when I asked my agent how much the HOA fees are, they weren't sure the exact price of the association fee, is this normal for the agent or realtor?

Anne answers:
He or she should have been able to find out in just a few minutes. You are under contract so what if the dues come back at 200-400 dollars per month, very common in my area.

Jenny asks…

Can you be made to pay a HOA fee if there is no association?
I live in an apt

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HOA for Condo

Mandy asks…

Condo HOA or homeowner responsible for wall damage?
An unknown car in guest parking area damaged the exterior wall of homeowner garage and broke the wood stud along with drywall inside. Is the Condo HOA responsible to repair the stud and drywall inside of homeowner garage?

Anne answers:
Normally, the HOA takes care of all exterior but you need to verify the stipulations you agreed to.
This may actually be a case where they repair the exterior and you (or insurance) would be responsible for the interior.


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Thursday, August 11, 2011

HOA Fees

Donald asks…

How to make a business proposal to reduce my increasing HOA Fees
5 years ago, HOA fees were 70 dollars. within 5 years it shot up to 155. By July, it went up to 200. The association claims that they don't have enough money in reserve, or that the repairs cost too much, or that we need to upgrade the jacuzzi with 400 jets instead 20 jets, or they need more money to pay the garbage men.

I want to make a proposal to not increase increase the funds in reserve but to lower the HOA fees back down to 70/mo.

My suggestions are:

1. to have 2 cars

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Hoa For Condominium

Donna asks…

What is the best way to securely invest a condominium or homeowners (HOA) association reserves by the board?
I serve on a seven member non profit corporate board of directors of a quiet, shaded, wood shingled 39 unit, three building condomium complex in NE Seattle (between the Ravenna Valley, Wedgwood, and Mapleleaf neighborhoods) that straddles a creek. We currently have about $120,000 in our reserves earning a piddling .025% interest (a quarter of 1%) in Vanguard.

I'd like to see the condo board invest this money in something that pays a higher interest rate

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Saturday, August 6, 2011

Florida Condo HOA Fees

Mary asks…

Buy or Rent a Condo in Florida?
I am on the fence whether to buy a condo or rent one... With the housing market in the condition it is in right now, I am looking at a condo which is valued at $160,000, going for around 115,000 in the Treasure Coast area of Florida. (HOA fees per month = $250)
To rent out a similar unit it would cost around $725 a month.
I am a college graduate, and to tell the truth I am not too sure if I will be staying in the area more then a year, unless I like my job.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated... I luckily don't have any

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Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Condo HOA Dues

Linda asks…

Condo in our complex in California is being auctioned. Can our HOA recover unpaid dues?
One of the condos in our complex is being sold at auction by the lender. But that unit owes our homeowners association payments for unpaid HOA dues/ fees. Can our HOA still recover the unpaid dues upon/after the auction sale? (Our HOA has not filed a lien on the unit.)

Anne answers:
Your chances of collecting are close to zero. If you have no lien at this time, you are basically an unsecured creditor. Even if you HAD a lien, it would be secondary to the primary

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Condo HOA Rules

Donna asks…

HELP, Dogs, HOAs / Condo purchase /Future Probs w Dog Breed Restrictions?
HOAs govern themselves and can change too, right?

I am in the process of losing my home. I am fortunate enough to have some very loving and generous parents who have offered to buy a small condo with a yard (we have already put an offer on a condo this week). I would not be on title... But my parents would OWN the place and we will just pay them every month...

My dog is CGC (Canine Good Citizen trained, recognized by the AKC), neutered pitbull, he has completed 5 obedience classes,

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Condo HOA Dues

Linda asks…

Condo in our complex in California is being auctioned. Can our HOA recover unpaid dues?
One of the condos in our complex is being sold at auction by the lender. But that unit owes our homeowners association payments for unpaid HOA dues/ fees. Can our HOA still recover the unpaid dues upon/after the auction sale? (Our HOA has not filed a lien on the unit.)

Anne answers:
Your chances of collecting are close to zero. If you have no lien at this time, you are basically an unsecured creditor. Even if you HAD a lien, it would be secondary to the primary

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Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The Ultimate Guide to Harmonious Community Living

Homeowners Association and You: The Ultimate Guide to Harmonious Community Living (You and Your Homeowner's Association)

ISBN13: 9781572485518
Condition: New
Notes: BRAND NEW FROM PUBLISHER! 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. Tracking provided on most orders. Buy with Confidence! Millions of books sold!

"An absolute MUST HAVE for anyone owning or planning to purchase a condominium."
-Jerome Jahn, Attorney and Real Estate Broker, Pasadena, CA


"A valuable guide to all aspects of community living."
-Stephen C. Sawicki, Attorney, Orlando,

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Monday, August 1, 2011

Your Questions About Condo HOA Fees

Laura asks…

HOA condo fees in Michigan?
Michigan resident. What should I expect to pay in HOA fees on a condo

Anne answers:
The answer to your question would depend on several things.
#1. Whether or not the condo is in an upscale neighborhood or not.

#2. If the condo association is active or not an doing their job.

#3. The cost for normal maintenance and up keep of the common areas.

#4. If there is an assessment for a major repair such as a new roof, completely repairing the parking structure if there is one for the quest.

Al items that you pay for

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The Ultimate Guide to Harmonious Community Living

Homeowners Association and You: The Ultimate Guide to Harmonious Community Living (You and Your Homeowner's Association)



ISBN13: 9781572485518
Condition: New
Notes: BRAND NEW FROM PUBLISHER! 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. Tracking provided on most orders. Buy with Confidence! Millions of books sold!

"An absolute MUST HAVE for anyone owning or planning to purchase a condominium."
-Jerome Jahn, Attorney and Real Estate Broker, Pasadena, CA


"A valuable guide to all aspects of community living."
-Stephen C.

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The Ultimate Guide to Harmonious Community Living

Homeowners Association and You: The Ultimate Guide to Harmonious Community Living (You and Your Homeowner's Association)

ISBN13: 9781572485518
Condition: New
Notes: BRAND NEW FROM PUBLISHER! 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. Tracking provided on most orders. Buy with Confidence! Millions of books sold!

"An absolute MUST HAVE for anyone owning or planning to purchase a condominium."
-Jerome Jahn, Attorney and Real Estate Broker, Pasadena, CA

"A valuable guide to all aspects of community living."
-Stephen C. Sawicki, Attorney, Orlando, FL

Move into a community with a homeowners

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The Ultimate Guide to Harmonious Community Living

Homeowners Association and You: The Ultimate Guide to Harmonious Community Living (You and Your Homeowner's Association)

ISBN13: 9781572485518
Condition: New
Notes: BRAND NEW FROM PUBLISHER! 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. Tracking provided on most orders. Buy with Confidence! Millions of books sold!

"An absolute MUST HAVE for anyone owning or planning to purchase a condominium."
-Jerome Jahn, Attorney and Real Estate Broker, Pasadena, CA

"A valuable guide to all aspects of community living."
-Stephen C. Sawicki, Attorney, Orlando, FL

Move into a community with a homeowners

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Sunday, July 31, 2011

Your Questions About Condo HOA Rules

George asks…

HOA rules Nightmare?
My unit is on the first floor above garage spaces. The previous owner installed wood laminate floors in the condo. The HOA president lives right above me. She complains (about old owner) that she couldn't sleep because of the noise the floors caused. She points to the HOA rules stating, "Hardwood or tile floors cannot be installed unless units are on ground level. In all other units the flooring type must have Board approval." The expense is too great to have the place carpeted. My floors are not tile or hard wood, would this fly? Is my

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Your Questions About Condo HOA Problems

Laura asks…

Help! HOA wants to make me pay big time!
So I recently moved into a condo complex which i'm renting from a close friend and unbeknownst to me, they have a no dog rule! So I get rid of my dog after 2 weeks of having her and loving her and paying 1g for her. Now the HOA wants to make me pay all these fines for letting her urinate on the grass, having her in my house and not paying a monthly maintenance fee! I was never told any of this! But my landlord is also close to me and I cannot turn him in. There has also been rumor of drug dealers in the condo complex and

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Saturday, July 30, 2011

Your Questions About Condo HOA Management

Maria asks…

My Condo flooded with sewage from my sinks, a first floor condo. Is my condo HOA responsible, or me?
Everything is ruined, countertops, cabinets, flooring, baseboards, drywall. The sewage kept coming from my sinks for hours. Several plumbers were unable to fix the problem and all agreed it was nothing I could have done or did do, that is was a "pipe maintenance issue". Does my HOA or Condo Building have to pay for the damages and repairs, or do I? Even the condo management agreed it was not "my fault", but they told me it was up to me and my Homeowner's Insurance

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Your Questions About Condo HOA Fees

Steven asks…

How do I find property with no HOA or CONDO fees?
I'trying to find a mobile home or condo in Florida that does not have any HOA or CONDO fees.

Anne answers:
Every condo or mobile home will have additional monthly fees. Because you do not individually own the land and exterior of structures, there is collective moneys that go toward funds to maintain those.
As far as mobile homes, you will find areas that you can purchase the units themselves, but the lots you will have to rent. So there will be monthly fees associated with every type of property.

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Your Questions About Condo HOA Law

James asks…

IL condo law 101, my HOA is out of control where can I find out about condo law to protect my rights?
My HOA decided to paint our building pink and did not even consider asking the owners if this was an acceptable color or a resonable amount of money to spend they said they had the right to do what ever they wanted because they were elected to do so. What are my rights as a owner?

Anne answers:
Your rights are described in your condominium association agreement and bylaws. They are presumptively valid and enforceable unless a court of competent

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Your Questions About Condo HOA Law

James asks…

IL condo law 101, my HOA is out of control where can I find out about condo law to protect my rights?
My HOA decided to paint our building pink and did not even consider asking the owners if this was an acceptable color or a resonable amount of money to spend they said they had the right to do what ever they wanted because they were elected to do so. What are my rights as a owner?

Anne answers:
Your rights are described in your condominium association agreement and bylaws. They are presumptively valid and enforceable unless a court of competent

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Your Questions About Condo HOA Management

Maria asks…

My Condo flooded with sewage from my sinks, a first floor condo. Is my condo HOA responsible, or me?
Everything is ruined, countertops, cabinets, flooring, baseboards, drywall. The sewage kept coming from my sinks for hours. Several plumbers were unable to fix the problem and all agreed it was nothing I could have done or did do, that is was a "pipe maintenance issue". Does my HOA or Condo Building have to pay for the damages and repairs, or do I? Even the condo management agreed it was not "my fault", but they told me it was up to me and my Homeowner's Insurance

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Your Questions About Condo HOA Management

Maria asks…

My Condo flooded with sewage from my sinks, a first floor condo. Is my condo HOA responsible, or me?
Everything is ruined, countertops, cabinets, flooring, baseboards, drywall. The sewage kept coming from my sinks for hours. Several plumbers were unable to fix the problem and all agreed it was nothing I could have done or did do, that is was a "pipe maintenance issue". Does my HOA or Condo Building have to pay for the damages and repairs, or do I? Even the condo management agreed it was not "my fault", but they told me it was up to me and my Homeowner's Insurance

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